The surefire plugin automatically includes all test classes with the following wildcard patterns:
"**/Test*.java" - includes all of its subdirectories and all Java filenames that start with "Test".
"**/*" - includes all of its subdirectories and all Java filenames that end with "Test".
"**/*" - includes all of its subdirectories and all Java filenames that end with "TestCase".
The the failsafe plugin automatically includes all test classes with the following wildcard patterns:
"**/IT*.java" - includes all of its subdirectories and all Java filenames that start with "IT".
"**/*" - includes all of its subdirectories and all Java filenames that end with "IT".
"**/*" - includes all of its subdirectories and all Java filenames that end with "ITCase".
To run unit tests, run mvn clean test
To run integration tests, run mvn clean verify